Listening to: Jaguar by Victoria Monet
Genre: R&B
Year: 2020
Hey, ya’ll! Sorry for the late post again for the day. I wasn’t feeling well last night so I took it as a sign to end the day early and I wasn’t able to get an album done. Anyway, this will be the first of the two albums for today to make up for it!
Today on the chopping block is Victoria Monet’s Jaguar. I’ve personally never heard from Victoria Monet before and this was initially recommended to me by my good friend, let’s give that good friend the name of “L” and this was in their “headphones” playlist as they got a new pair of Marshall Major IIs and wanted to create a playlist that plays well on those headphones.
Expectedly, I needed to try this album out for myself. And boy was I in for a beautiful R&B track. I really loved the vibes that this album exuded. It was what one would call a “sexy” album and it goes to show in the vocal presentation of Victoria Monet herself.
This starkly reminded me of SZA’s older tracks as well as H.E.R. vibes mixed into one due to its almost ethereal instrumentation paired with groovy basslines and percussive instruments.
My only gripe is that this album was too damn short. I was really getting in the vibe, only for me to find out I was on the second to the last song. On that note, Go There With You is an absolute freaking BOP. It’s slow, romantic, and very sensual. I love that track
Anyway, it’s a great R&B album. I wish it were longer but the shortness makes it easier to appreciate when you just wanna sit back and chill.
Oh, and I might do a per-month reflection on the albums I listened to which I’ll record and post. Let me know fi you wanna see that!
My total absolutely unbiased scoring:
Vibe: 9/10
Flow: 8/10
Mixing: 7/10
Complexity: 4/10
Consistency: 7/10
Emotional Factor: 6/10
Replayability: 9/10
Fave Track:
Go There With You
Gears Used:
CCA Rhapsody
Das it, das music