Listening to: ヲトシアナ by Lie and a Chameleon
Genre: J-Rock
This albums was quite a landmark album for me in regards to my perspective on J-Rock and J-Pop. Prior to this, my appreciation and knowledge of Japanese songs were limited to anime intros and City Pop which, while not that disgraceful, left me wanting to listen to more Japanese tracks.
Lo and behold, I was met with a YouTube video called “J-Rock songs you have to listen to” or something similar. I thought, “cool, I’ll listen to that” and as it was half an hour of J-Rock, you’d expect that by the middle I would’ve lost a little bit of interest.
That was until one particular track called “saredokijyutushihasaiwohuru” that instantly caught my attention from that bombastic intro to the catchy chorus. I fell in-love almost instantly. But it was months, maybe even years before I actually dove into Lie and a Chameleon’s discography.
That was when I found the goldmine of peak J-Rock in their album. I was genuinely in awe of how good the songs on this album were.
Every moment was just filled with raw, higher speed energy that’ll get you headbanging all til the end. There are slower and softer tracks throughout the album, but it adds the much needed break that makes this album flow amazingly for a rock record.
I haven’t rode a high in J-Rock and it’s insane with how they’ve changed the way I looked at J-music. I ended up searching more J-Rock bands like RADWIMPS, Mrs. Green Apple and with a help of my friend well versed in Japanese culture, got me into more obscure bands like Sambomaster and it has been an amazing time getting to discover these artists.
That album did more than just provide an amazing rock album, but also introduced me to the wonderful world of J-Rock and Japanese music as a whole. Very nice.
My total absolutely unbiased scoring:
Vibe: 7/10
Flow: 9/10
Mixing: 6/10
Complexity: 7/10
Consistency: 8/10
Emotional Factor: 10/10
Replayability: 10/10
Fave Track:
However the Illusionist Shakes The Dace
Gears Used:
Muse HiFi The East 6
Das it, das music