Listening to: ZOO!! – Necry Talkie
Year: 2020
Genre: J-Rock
Following yesterday’s J-Rock album, ZOO!! follows a more poppy and happy approach with their lead singer, Mossa, essentially providing one of the most energetic vocal presentation in a all of J-pop.
It’s so much energy in fact that this album has become a test track due to the solid mixing but also to test if an audio product is shouty or not.
But even as a sit back and listen type of album, I find a lot of joy in this. Once again, I don’t know the English titles except for one which is admittedly the best track in the album called “You Should Head North.” This has absolutely fantastic instrumentation and is a fantastic showcase of Mossa’s versatile vocal color.
The bass is also quite underrated in this record with how full and rich it sounded to contrast the brighter and more energetic vocal and percussive presentation.
This is by far one of, if not, my favorite J-Pop/Rock album that I’ve heard by far as it encapsulates that perfect balance of heavy instrumentation with the groovier sound that I usually look for in music.
My total absolutely unbiased scoring:
Vibe: 8/10
Flow: 8/10
Mixing: 7/10
Complexity: 5/10
Consistency: 7/10
Emotional Factor: 7/10
Replayability: 8/10
Fave Track:
You Should Head North
Gears Used:
Das it, das music