Listening to: Soy Pablo
Genre: Indie Pop
Year: 2018
Let’s take it back to 2018, a year that I hold quite dear and also feel very nostalgic as the 2017-2020 was genuinely some of the best years of my life. The theme song? A lot. And one of them is Soy Pablo by boy pablo.
This was initially introduced to me by a friend who is a big nerd when it comes to music and we nearly made a band in 2019, but the pandemic kinda pushed it out of possibility. Our vibes would kind of be similar to what boy pablo produced with his earlier albums like Roy Pablo and Soy Pablo, and it eventually got me falling in love with his sound.
It’s a very easy going, bedroom-like pop with light hearted lyrics about love and sappiness. It’s the usual teenager stuff that most of us probably grew up on with different sounds. With tracks like Feeling Lonely, Sick Feeling and Losing You being such hallmarks to my childhood, I really couldn’t help but smile reminiscing about the times I was listening to boy pablo going to school and timing exactly when a particular song meant I was in a specific station. I actually have a better example, but I’ll save it for future entries.
As for musicality, nothing special is featured on Soy Pablo. But it really doesn’t try to be. It’s 21 minutes of sappy, soft and somewhat lofi pop that would sound perfect on the radio but even better while you lay down and chill. Nothing’s abrasive nor pumping to get you to move out. Well, maybe the track “wtf” is on the more energetic side, but it’s just a very slight change in pace.
Another one in the book for nostalgic songs. Honestly, it’s nice that I get to come back to songs before I became an audio enthusiast. It’s almost like I’m listening to these songs in a completely different lens while still feeling the same emotions. It’s funny what music can do to you, huh?
My total absolutely unbiased scoring:
Vibe: 7/10
Flow: 6/10
Mixing: 5/10
Complexity: 2/10
Consistency: 7/10
Emotional Factor: 9/10
Replayability: 8/10
Fave Track:
Gears Used:
Letshuoer S15
Das it, das moosic