Ergonomically, the P5+2 is a far better IEM than the NX8 with a more contoured shape, better seal and stable overall fit. Aesthetics are subjective, but I do personally prefer the galaxy-style NX8. Cable is similar on both sets and I like both for different reasons.
Sound wise, P5+2 has a more v-shaped sound with heavier emphasis on the treble which can cause issues with timbre and coherency. The NX8 is tamer in that regard, but still exhibits similar incoherency in the treble region, having a slight metallic timbre over the frequency. Bass is tighter on the P5+2, but more engaging on the NX8. Details are more emphasized in the P5+2, but the tonal cohesion and consistency is better on the NX8. Technically, the P5+2 and NX8 are neck and neck but the P5+2’s cleaner overall sound gives it the slight edge. The NX8, however, sounds more musical and rich in tone with better note weight consistency.
These two tribrid IEMs are by far the closest competition I’ve had in the $200 range in a while and justifiably so. Despite my dislike over Aful’s treble presentation, I also cannot deny that the P5+2 is a great choice for people who are specifically looking for this kind of tuning and sound. However, the NX8 being around $40 cheaper and being able to compete with it is a great feat for NiceHCK.