KZs latest flagship single DD hits the market and I’d like to share my first impressions and measurements.
First off, KZ’s recent move into full metal IEMs are both a blessing and a curse because KZ IEMs have never felt better, but plugging this into a powerful amp can cause a bit of electric shocks in the ear that might cause discomfort.
Sound wise, these are probably the most mature and most coherent single DD KZ to date with an impeccable tuning that is slightly off-set by the tuning switches. Nothing new for KZ’s usual tuning switch trend, but the tuning itself is one they haven’t really done before. A meager 10db eargain that gently glides from bass to upper mids is unlike KZ, but one many should grow to love. What’s not to love (for treble sensitives, at least) is the still present edge in the treble region that, depending on whether you like extra sparkles, will sound a little too revealing and sharp depending on the song of choice. Regardless, this is by far the most resolving, most technical and best tuned single DD KZ in the market and proves that if they wanted to, they can create competitive and compelling sets in the market.