At last! The EPZ sets have come to my doorstep and I am absolutely stoked! To start with a bang, I’d like to share my impressions of the set that put EPZ in people’s mouths with its insane value proposition. The EPZ Q5!

Starting with the unboxing, you get a rather large box with not a lot of accessories. You get the IEMs themselves, a carrying pouch, and some eartips. The eartips that come with the Q5 are quite special, however, as they have this Dunu S&S-looking type shape that is short but quite linear. I like how they fit with the Q5 but the stock 07 style tips aren’t bad either.

The IEM itself is quite clean looking, albeit very similar looking with a more expensive set. That set will be yours to guess, but I just thought it was pretty interesting. Fit-wise, I’d say that the Q5 sits in a similar place with the Simgots as they have a very comfortable, small fit that isn’t the most stable or has the best sealing but is very comfortable nonetheless. The white and gold is quite attractive and the overall shape is adorable. My only gripe with this is, well, it uses MMCX connectors. I know some people swear by MMCX, but I personally do not like MMCX. I’ve had far too many IEMs with MMCX start spinning and dying and I do not like that at all. But only time will tell whether the Q5 will exhibit the same quality or if this will be a better quality MMCX than the ones I’ve tried before.

It doesn’t help that the cable is crap, so I have no choice but to cable roll this down the line. But I do like the color combination between the cable and the IEM

However, the creme de la creme of the Q5 is definitely the sound. This is arguably the only IEM that can properly compete with the EW200 in the same price and sound category. The Q5 is a bright neutral set with boosted low end and extra boosted treble. And my goodness, is it good? So good in fact that I ended up listening to these instead of doing my video on my tier list. That’s how much I enjoyed listening to these. The sparkle is so smooth yet so energetic and the bass is so tight and clean yet still has good low-end rumble. My only gripe would be note weight and impact, but that’s to be expected in these kinds of IEMs in my opinion.
But man, these are good. I’ve heard great things about the Q5, but these sound even better than I thought they would. They’re like the cleaner, smoother, and more technical sibling of the EW200 that doesn’t have quite the kick or bite. Absolutely fantastic sounding
Thank you for reading my impressions on the EPZ Q5! If you would like to order one, consider using the non-affiliated link below: