What’s up ya’ll! KZ’s come out with a brand an update to the ZS10, namely the $45 ZS10 Pro 2. As someone who’s known KZ as a brand for quite some time, the ZS10 series was like the peak of their hybrid sound and I’m excited to share my thoughts on their latest iteration. So let’s talk about it!

If you’ve unboxed any KZ IEM in the last few months, the unboxing experience is similar. Same box, same cable, same tips. So nothing much to talk about there.

As for the aesthetics and fit, it’s largely the same as the previous iterations and only varies with the finish of the faceplate itself. This means this will either fit like an average sized glove in your ear or it won’t fit at all. That’s the KZ guarantee! But joking aside, I really like how this thing looks and fits in my ear. I had 0 problems with comfort or stability which seems to be the norm for KZ IEMs nowadays (with exceptions).

And as for the sound, it keeps the ZS10 gene of a bright neutral, and technically capable V-Shaped set, but cleans up both ends to make it the most refined ZS10 in the market so far. The bass is tight yet impactful, the mids are expectedly thin and recessed and the treble is elevated, energetic and sparkly with a very distinct “KZ Hybrid sound”. This is honestly an acquired taste, so if you’re into that kind of sound, the ZS10 Pro 2 would be a great set to get. Just beware this is still not for treble sensitives or timbreheads due to the somewhat metallic-sounding treble that is a distinct quality of the ZS10 series.