The Google Assistant buds, I mean the ND X12 have finally arrived! And I’d like to share my impressions on them with you all!

First and foremost, I just wanna say that ND”s presentation game has improved. I really liked the look of the box of the X12 despite being very simple packaging. I really liked how the black and white contrasted with the colorful faceplate.
Enough about the box, the inclusions of the X12 are just about right. A nice pleather pouch, a plethora of ear tips, and the IEMs and cable as per usual. Nothing special about the accessories here. Oh, but it does come with a fancy-looking Dragon that reminds me of the dragons I see in our local Chinatown, so that’s pretty cool!

The build, however, is honestly even better IRL than in photos. The build is fully metal and it feels absolutely premium. It’s QDC which is a bummer, but honestly, it looks and feels pretty damn good. Fit is alright, not really that good but it’s small and very ergonomic.

And the sound. Oh boy. I’ll be kind and say that this is a fun, bright-sounding set. But I cannot for the heart of me think this is a set that most people would enjoy. The upper mids and treble are so forward and bright that those who are sensitive to higher frequencies would probably get a heart attack from how bright this is. Trebleheads would absolutely love this, though. It’s so bright and sparkly that you can almost see yourself through the sound. However, it isn’t really the most resolving sounding set and there’s definitely a very edgy quality to the sound. In short, it’s another throwback set from ND. I hope they’ll start doing something a little bit less offensive soon!

Thanks for reading my impressions on the ND X12. If you would like to order one, consider using the non-affiliated link below: