The ND ZR is a traditionally v-shaped with lots of low end and top end energy. It doesn’t really offer much of anything new to the table, but it’s a very casual and generally fun sounding IEM for most casual listening sessions.
But $25 is definitely a steep price for what these do. It doesn’t present instruments quite naturally and vocals can get overly forward and shouty when pushed further. The bass is also not that stellar with a slower overall response, but it is solid for pop and hip-hop.
The cable is also quite bad and the stock eartips caused a horrible seal issue. I ended up using KZ Starlines just to make them work.
Overall, it’s a very basic sounding IEM that doesn’t really stand out much from the market. I wish I could say more, but it’s an IEM that exists as Crinacle would say
Stay tuned for my full review!
If you would like to buy one, consider using the non-affiliated link below: